Sunday, October 21, 2012

Collisions Lab

The purpose of this lab was to develop our understanding of momentum and the amount of energy stored in both an elastic vs. inelastic collision. The big question being: Is energy or momentum better conserved in a collision?

Important Info and Lab Summary: To simulate a collision, we used a red and blue cart and placed them on a straight metal track. Using range finders on both sides, we collected their velocity or speed throughout the entire collision (before and after). To perform an elastic collision we arranged the carts so that their springs stuck out in front of each other, we then pushed them into each other for a collision. The result being that they bounced off but went in the same direction (left). The red cart started motionless (at rest) while the blue car was pushed towards it, once they hit then the collision occurred. My group noticed that a transfer of momentum was taking place. The red car, which began with no velocity, was in in motion after the collision - meaning that momentum must have been transferred from the blue cart to the red. The second step was to perform and inelastic collision.  We pushed the red cart towards the blue cart (was still) and they almost immediately attached together (Velcro force b/w them) and continued to travel in the same direction (left).
Key Data:
- p=mv (momentum = mass X velocity)
- Energy loss in inelastic > Energy loss in elastic ** both cars are absorbing the energy
- In elastic collisions cars store more energy in kinetic form

Real World Connection: All golf is is collisions! The energy from a club is transferred to a ball that is at rest prior to the hit.

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